Once unboxed, there’s a lego-style instruction sheet that includes helpful pictures for putting this little guy together. You also get a free screwdriver, which reduces the need to go dig up a small Phillips from the bottom of your tool box.
The upper and lower receivers plus the barrel are one piece, so to start, you pull back the spring loaded barrel nut and snap in the two sections of the handguard. Pretty straight forward, but hard to do one hand with a camera, so keep that in mind.

The little buffer tube assembly has a small spring-loaded notch on the underside, pull back and hold, then slide over the lower receiver until it clicks into place. The buffer tube is detailed as a 4-position stock system; but due to size constraints, the last position doesn’t hold the stock. But it’s fine, because this level of detail makes me happy as it is.
The stock itself is heavy and has the same exact functionality as a normal-size stock. The spring-loaded lever selects all but the last position of the buffer tube (as explained above). Slide the stock onto the tube, just as you would on a normal AR!
Okay, so the barrel comes with a standard bird cage, which is great if you’re a standard person, but this is ‘Murica. As a heads up, the bird cage was REALLY on the threads so keep that in mind, but don’t use any tools (might mar up the paint or break the barrel), just be patient.

A quick look at the detail on this little bird cage, it’s so cute!

The little magazine has a working follower and actually loads the little bullets. Mind. Blown.
BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. The magazine release button, yeah, that works too!
The charging handle is attached to a moving BCG that triggers the dust cover to open. This is just too much!
The safety selector also changes positions, in the same fashion as normal. The trigger depresses, but this is a non-firing model so no action comes of it (that would definitely make it illegal in CA).
Last, but not least, there’s a little stand to display your model. The peg fits into the hollow grip, and the magazine stabilizes the front of the rifle. Done!
Want to snag one of these guys for yourself or that special person in your life?
30% off with this promo code! “gunfoxx30“
Happy pewpewing! -gunfoxx